On demand.

Around you.

Learn at work

Nationwide, self-paced courses

Moana is our fee for subscription, pre-recorded online course that will allow your team to learn the Māori language together and on demand. Whether you are new or returning learner, this online course will guide you on a linguistic journey that starts with self-paced, gentle and flexible learning.

Whether you have 10 staff or 4000+ staff, we can help integrate te reo Māori into your business!

Two Years Access

Beginner, intermediate & advanced pathways for the workplace!

600+ Lessons

Over 30 hours of pre-recorded, digestible video lessons per level.

300+ Downloads

Each module comes with a downloadable pdf for further learning!

Enhanced understanding

Acquisition of knowledge and understanding of diverse cultures, norms, and values.

Effective communication

Ability to communicate clearly and effectively with individuals from different cultural backgrounds.

Bias reduction

Recognition and reduction of biases, leading to fair and impartial interactions and decisions.

Inclusive workplace

Creation of an inclusive and welcoming environment that values diversity.

Respectful interactions

Development of skills to interact respectfully and appropriately with all colleagues.

Career advancement

Enhanced career opportunities and professional growth due to increased cultural competency.

“Within a Māori setting, I don’t know how to stand, where to look, who or how to greet. I need to work on my pronunciation of Māori words, so I can feel confident and give better customer service overall.”

  • Leadership Executive Course

    With Tuterangiwhiu

    “We had a great session spending time learning new karakia, discussing our team tikanga and getting comfortable with some new kōrero to use on our platforms.

    We appreciated the space Tuterangiwhiu Grant-Cairns held for us to wānanga, learn and kōrero Māori.

    Supporting our team at all stages of their reo journey is important! Ka nui te mihi ki a koe!”

  • Leadership Executive Course

    With Tuterangiwhiu

    “Kia ora Tuterangiwhiu,

    I have received so much positive feedback about our session. It really was exactly what we were looking for. A little bit of context cultural perspective/history and an excellent language beginner tutorial.”


Leadership online te reo Maori workshops

“I want to be a thought leader and set best practices

“I’m worried about damaging professional relationships, reducing team cohesion, and reducing my career progression due to perceived insensitivity or bias.”


Customer outcomes and value drivers

  • Te Tiriti o Waitangi

    We help organisations become responsible Tiriti partners and providers of quality experiences for Māori staff and customers.

    Enabling authentic and meaningful engagement with iwi and hapū.

    Enabling effective communication with iwi, including in te reo Māori.

    To show respect for Māori culture and values by creating a welcoming and inclusive environment.

  • Connected teams

    We help organisations enhance communication and engagement within their teams by growing cultural intelligence.

    Greater cultural understanding internally leads to enhanced interpersonal connection and relationships.

    Better relationships lead to positive social dynamics, cohesion and team collaboration.

    Attract and retain Māori customers and employees.

    By respecting Māori culture, people are shown a pathway to learn about other cultures.

  • Good reputation

    We help organisations differentiate themselves by creating a memorable and inclusive brand.

    Cultural capability enhances collaboration, diversity of thought and innovation.

    Cultural capability makes organisations better positioned to establish partnerships locally and internationally.

    Cultural capability attracts Māori talent and skills, and non-Māori looking for values-based cultures.


We are a “no frills” company

Our lessons are high-level without fancy things to confuse you. Just a Pre-recorded video and a PDF. simple.

Clear and intuitive software that supports customisation.

Our courses are fully customisable and learner engagement focused.

Use of multiple learning devices – desktop and mobile devices

Our online learning platform can be used both on desktop and mobile devices.

Capacity for hosted learning and social learning

Although we are focused on delivery online, we are open to in-person workshops.

Reporting and outcomes for all learners, including micro-credentials, workshop attendance and previous learning history.

We can offer managerial reports which include staff login and completion rates.

Realistic learning experience, accessible at any time

Yes, this is our biggest focus. Learning whenever it suits you.

Seamless connection to the right information and data

We will offer general enquiries and technical support during business hours, Monday to Friday to the whole team.

Additional support

Staff will also receive life-time access to our private Facebook community page


This course will cover all aspects of the language. From the rules of pronunciation to sentence structure, it is guaranteed to make way for a smooth learning experience for all involved. This course will also include cultural lessons to broaden your team’s worldview and expand their cultural knowledge.

  • Learn sentence structures for basic phrases

  • Learn different forms of greetings

  • Learn pronunciation and the Māori alphabet

  • Learn vowels, consonants, adjectives and digraphs

  • Create your pepeha and learn karakia

  • Learn waiata to deepen comprehension

  • Expand your worldview through an introduction to Māori traditions, philosophies and protocols

  • You will explore a new and fun way to expand and broaden your perspectives of te reo Māori

  • We are a 100% online platform, live classes are facilitated on Zoom and our online portal is a desktop and mobile-friendly program

    You can add 1 x 30-minute monthly zoom session with a skilled facilitator

    Lots of additional support and resources for your learning 

    Teach your family what you learn with us - we encourage this

    You will become a lifetime member of our private Facebook community page

    Find appreciation for the language or reconnect to your culture and identity

    We are more than just te reo. We teach you waiata, tikanga and much more! 


  • Moana basic 24/7 access for up to 10 staff $2000 excluding GST per month with a minimum term of 24 months.

    Customised payment plans can be quoted for teams larger than 10 staff.

  • Would you like to have Tuterangiwhiu present a workshop?

    1 hour, online workshop

    $1,000 excluding GST

    In person

    $500 per hour excluding GST & travel costs

  • Please click the “Let’s connect” button to organise a call with Tuterangiwhiu.

  • Designed for Law firms, New Zealand businesses and Govt organisations who need, or would like to implement te reo Māori in their workplace

    Use this as a key benefit that your business offers to its employees or partners.

    This is a great way to inject te reo Māori into your workplace and/or support your language plan needs.